Body Wisdom.
Jul 03, 2023I go to my piano to sing. I start warming up. As I am singing through a song, something feels off. It didn’t feel as good as it did yesterday.
I have a choice in this moment. I can push through with that dammit energy. (We’ve all been here.)
Or I can bring patience and curiosity to this moment and listen.
I can listen to my body.
My body has wisdom to share but only if I can connect with it.
By adopting the mindset of curiosity and wonder with the goal of uncovering the wisdom of the body, we will be in tune with what is, experience more joy and ease and flow. Yes please.
We become both teacher and student to the experience.
We can ask questions and be open.
When I feel frustration coming up can I be gentle with myself? What is my body trying to tell me? Can I find a way to calm my nervous system?
Every day is a new day and with a different set of circumstances and can bring new freedoms I didn’t have yesterday and/or new challenges.
Challenges like allergies, menstruation, illness, stress, anxiety, pulled muscles…
My singing practice is a reckoning with my body. I first have to get right by at.
I suddenly discover my abdomen, my legs, my fingers. Suddenly my ribs have something to say. My neck tells me a few things.
Singing reveals to me where I’m holding, where love is needed. Where attention is required. Where adjustments might be helpful.
I discover that my voice could use less of that warmup and more of another one. Perhaps I need to drink more water or have a snack. Maybe I need to be gentler today and not go for the high note several times, maybe once is enough. If I have the luxury of choosing, today my voice feels like singing this song and not that one. Maybe I take break, and return later. Will repeating that tricky passage a 5th time really make a difference? (In the way Im wanting it to?)
If something is stuck, I have to be gentle with myself. I have to coax it out.
I have to LISTEN and play to make discoveries. I cannot figure it all out with my mind. I have to be in my body. I have to listen to its wisdom. It has a lot to tell me, but I have to leave the “room upstairs” in order to make those discoveries.
Singing has the capacity to develop deep empathy for ourselves and bring us closer within.
The body has something to teach us. To show us. To reveal to us. We have to ask. We have to listen. And learn.
What you learning? Send me message on instagram or through my contact page! I'd love to hear from you!