How to make more time for singing.

singer tips wellness Oct 29, 2024

Do you find yourself struggling to make time for singing? Like it’s your intention to practice, to make music, but other things keep getting in the way?

And maybe you are currently making time for it, but yearn for more.

Or maybe you yearn for it to feel better.

Easier. Fun. Joyous.

If any of this is true for you, ask yourself:

→ What is your vision for yourself as a singer?

→ What is your goal?

→ What do you hope to get from expressing yourself in this way?

We all have different goals. For some it may be to be performing more. To be auditioning.

For some it may be just for you, a private creative practice.

A way to heal.

A student recently shared that a goal she had was that she really wanted to feel confident as a singer. Something most of us can relate to, right?

We want to be able to open our mouths, have it feel good, have it feel consistent, not be worrying about whether your voice will be there or not.

How do we build confidence in the thing we want more confidence in?

We do it.

We sing.

We devote ourselves to the practice.

We commit to the journey and accept that it will be messy at times and hard but we show up for ourselves because of the goal, the vision we have.

You take time in your week to your singing practice, because when you are a singer…

You sing.

You move your voice.

Just like it’s beneficial to move your body, to get exercise, you gotta move your voice.

Confidence comes from owning it. From devoting yourself to the process, to the journey.

With the ultimate goal of joy.

And if you are a singer who already practices regularly, ask yourself: what is the quality of your practice session?

Are you showing up with joy as your goal?

If not, practice tuning in and asking yourself what you need, what your voice needs.

Bring more patience and curiosity to the process.

Listen to your body; your body has wisdom to share if you connect with it.

You become both teacher and student to the experience.

Ask the questions and be open.

When you feel frustration coming up:

Can you be gentle with yourself?

Can you hear what your body trying to tell you?

Singing reveals where there is holding, where love is needed. Where attention is required. Where adjustments might be helpful.

If something is stuck, be gentle. Coax it out.

LISTEN and play to make discoveries.

By adopting the mindset of curiosity and wonder with the goal of uncovering the wisdom of the body, we will be in tune with what is; we will experience more ease and flow.

You become an expert. An expert in your instrument. In your body.

An expert in joy.

And for those of you who aren’t yet in a routine:

→ Set your intention. (If you can’t commit to 3-4- times a week, go with what feels doable. Take a step, even if it’s 15 minutes once a week. Try to be consistent.)

→ Think of this time as killing two birds with one stone: it’s also a mindfulness practice! You can treat it that way, like a meditation.

→ Schedule it into your calendar and commit to the appointment with yourself.

→ Have an accountability buddy. Tell them about your goal and share when you do it.

→ Notice how you feel afterwards.

→ Keep returning to your goal/ vision as a singer.


Keep going my friends! If you need any support from me, I’m here!

If you aren’t already, connect with me over on Instagram. I share tips/ inspiration/ cheerlead daily over there and would love to hear from you! DM me!


Hey! Before you go, I have some offerings you might be interested in:


→.Check out this FREE MASTERCLASS. 🧚🏻‍♂️

→ Ready to have more fun as a singer and finally dial down your inner critic? A Course in Joyful Singing has all the support you need with live calls and lifetime access. πŸŽ‰

→ Need one on one support with your voice? You got it. πŸ’›

→ Has it been awhile and you don’t know how to reconnect to your voice? I can help. πŸ™ŒπŸ»

→ Having a supportive group to share your voice with might be helpful: Try a Monday Night Singing Group Class πŸ‘©‍❀️‍πŸ‘©

→ Read more helpful tips on my BLOG page. πŸ€“