Inner blocks be gone!
Nov 11, 2024
As a singing artist you don’t want it to feel hard. 🙌🏻
You want to express yourself. Freely.
Unblocked. ✅
You want to be able to sing without worry, without fears creeping in.
You want to share what you feel deep inside as a creative offering without anything getting in your way.
Right!? 🙋🏻♀️
Except sometimes there is. 😣
You hear that voice that says, “You sound terrible.” Or “That is bad.”
Or the voice that plants seeds of fear when you start to open your mouth which causes you to hold back, to “control”, to tighten up, to self edit based on the listener’s reaction, to overthink it.
These are the invisible blocks that keep you from sharing the fullness of who you are and what you have to offer.
These blocks keep you from connecting to Inspiration.
These blocks keep you from yourself.
From your Joy. 🌟
→ How do you unblock?
How do you remove the barriers from your authentic self, from your whole truth?
In my training as a mindset coach I learned about a system that identifies the specific ways in which we all self sabotage.
These are the voices in your head planting the seeds of fear, naysaying and keeping you from your full potential.
Now here is the thing: It’s confusing because these voices are rooted in the unique talents we all have. The ones that make you “YOU” and can help you to achieve, grow, lead and succeed.
But the thing is- when taken to the dark side, these talents become entangled in fear and negative emotions.
They become your saboteurs.
These talents then keep you from the very thing that you set out to do and be.
By first identifying the inner critic voice and these other saboteurs you are closer to tuning into a better way of growing and improving so that your joy and your creativity stays at the forefront. 👍🏻
You identify them and then learn how to intercept them.
These are voices that you have been living with for a long time.
By creating space around them, and learning how to take control of the conversation in your head, you are able to step into the confident shoes of your awesome inner coach.
👩🏻🏫 The good coach. The supportive one. The one you see results with. ❤️🙌🏻
Let’s connect to THAT one.
As a result, your joy is not diminished in the process of growing as an artist and in your journey toward betterment.
AND your inner artist is unleashed because fear is not holding you back.
Now that’s what I’m talking about!
So what can we do right now to do something about it!?
Here are 3 things you can start doing today, right now to quiet down the negative voices and amplify the most helpful one (the one getting lost in all the noise.)
#1 Take frequent 1-2 minute breaks
Take 1 minute (or 2 minutes if you are feeling sassy) and tune inward. Slow down your breath. If connecting to your breath is not your thing, feel your body in your chair. Listen for sounds around you. Do a quick body scan for tension. Try doing this several times spread out throughout your day. This will help you to strengthen this muscle of connecting to your good inner coach. Again, these are brief, frequent checkins throughout your day. It’s your chance for your inner good coach to check in on you.
#2 Notice, Feel, Tend.
If you catch yourself experiencing a negative emotion, notice it, feel it and tend to it.
Feel it (locate it in your body), breathe through it, and then name it. What’s this emotion? Then tend to yourself. How can you give yourself compassion right now to manage yourself through this emotion? Can you take some deep breaths? Can you place your hand on your heart? (This is your inner good coach in action!) If this is something bigger that you need to return to, schedule time to come back to when you are calmer to process and work through.
#3 Have a worry journal.
Schedule time to get all the worries out by writing them down, those fears that are floating around in your head. Then they feel heard (those voices) and they will stop yelling in your ear. You also are then able to distance yourself from those voices and respond back from a place of calm and focus. (As long as you’ve take time to get centered.) You’re able to respond, “I hear you. I hear your concerns. I’ve got this."
These are three little things (WITH HUGE IMPACT) that have the potential to radically change the way you talk to yourself, relate to yourself, problem solve and operate.
This work can be invaluable as a singer, as an artist, as a human.
We go to school to learn how to be better singers, better musicians, but don’t learn how to navigate the tricky process of living/thriving as an artist.
Yes, we need technique! But more importantly we need to know how to put that technique to good use. And how to enrich our lives.
This work puts JOY at the center of everything so that not only can you reach your fullest potential but actually ENJOY the process, have fun and thrive.
→ If your interest has been piqued, and you want to know more: I’ve brought this work and more to my Joyful Singing Course
The course’s aim is to connect you back to your inner artist. To unblock you from those barriers that are keeping you from your highest creativity. To move you forward as a singer, connect you with joy and bring FUN back into your creative practice and life.