Losing my voice.
May 25, 2024
In 2015 something happened.
I couldn’t sing.
I felt like I had lost my voice and nothing helped.
Also, I just didn’t have the desire.
But a concert was coming up. And I needed to get my act together.
The concert was at Carnegie Hall.
Let me back up.
There is a good reason for this.
In September of 2014, I lost my father to cancer.
After he died, I just didn’t want to sing.
6 months later, I still couldn’t and I began to wonder if I ever would want to again.
Other than that Carnegie Hall concert, I couldn’t seem to get it together to do anything performative at all.
Around this time I was introduced to a movement therapy practice: Authentic Movement.
It blew my mind.
Move in front of a group of people with eyes closed with the goal not being for the audience? It’s not performative? Really?
This practice is about tuning in and asking yourself, how do I feel like moving right now in this moment? What does my body need to do right now? What does it need to work out?
Boy, never had I EVER considered those questions before. 😂 What a journey this would be.
This journey ended up being a 2 year period of self reflection, experiencing movement and music from this non performative lens. What a gift.
It taught me so much.
It was empowering.
And what I was learning in that space allowed me to consider how that might be reflected in my voice.
How could this change my idea of what the purpose of my voice is in my life, my relationship to it and how it serves me and I serve it.
And then, I received a call from a composer I had worked with 10 years earlier. He asked if I would be interested in looking at a song he had written and would I record it?
I wasn’t sure, but I reluctantly agreed.
And then the song came in the mail.
The title was:
Start Singing.
Well, if that wasn’t a sign from the universe I don’t know what is.
So I did.
It was the gentle nudge I needed.
I started singing. Again.
Looking back on this time there are a few things I would wish for myself.
I wish someone could have told me to not feel bad about taking that break.
That break was necessary to develop a new relationship to my voice, to singing, to music, to performance.
And then when I was ready to sing again (in the perfect timing that it unfolded), I wish I had had a specific kind of support for finding my voice again.
The right kind of support.
Gentle, safe, loving, encouraging.
So this brings to me the moment I realized recently that I needed to create that kind of support for someone going through a time like this.
A time when that person is ready to return to their voice, but doesn’t know how to start and how to go about it.
That’s why I’ve created something that I wish I had back then.
Something that could have walked me through the process of returning to my voice.
It’s called Vocal Reconnect.
I’m releasing it on Monday, June 3 2024 🎉 and I’m very excited about it!
Well, so while that Carnegie Hall concert didn’t go as well as I would have liked, I learned a lot about self love, patience and honoring what is.
It’s my hope that this course can assist you with this as well and move you forward in your goals with singing.
Learn more HERE.