The Novel of your Life.

inspiration wellness Aug 07, 2023

What if you thought of your life as a perfectly written novel?

I’ve done this exercise. (It’s from the Positive Intelligence training I did from the work of Shirzad Chamine.)

You divide your life into 5 chapters and then contemplate the major events for each chapter: the highlights, the formative aspects, the challenges, and the gifts that came as a result. (Helpful to see that yes, even the challenges maybe came with gifts.)

When you look back through these chapters, you imagine yourself as an audience member watching this movie based on this perfectly written novel of your life.

You’re the hero.

And you see what this hero has gone through. You see how everything has happened for a reason. Or at least in the context of the movie of your life.

Everything has led the hero to this moment.

What you realize when you go through all 5 chapters is that, well, you’ve been through a lot, and through all of those experiences, good AND bad, you are a unique being.

You have unique gifts and wisdom to share with others.



Our unique gifts and insights are so important.

When seen through this lens of the movie of your life, you see that the world needs you.

You have gifts and insights from your particular experience that few others have. No one else has ever lived YOUR special life.

That makes you an expert.

What is next that’s worthy of all of this preparation?

What is your heart longing for?

How we show up makes a difference.

Can we be fully ourselves? Can we step into the fullness of who we are?

When we share ourselves, people notice.

Sometimes even lives are changed.

The stakes are that high. It becomes our duty.

When we show up as our full selves to do our good work, we play a part of the whole. Each part has equal value. Our part is vital.

No one person is more important than the other.

Often, much of our head space is focused on the other (made worse by social media) and what other people think, what others are doing and how we measure up, and how others perceive us.

It’s hard not to compare. As singers, as humans. THAT voice tells us- everyone else is more relevant. So much energy is diverted with untruths when we compare.

And we can’t control what anyone else thinks. What we can control is keeping our attention on what we are doing. Staying in our own lane. Creating the best life we can with what we have.

RIGHT NOW. Not in the future when if only we can have this or that. Right now.

Everything has led this hero to this moment.

Be the person you want to be now. Do the things that make you happy and healthy. Try not to compare.

Be YOU. Be your beautiful, quirky, unique awesome self.

It’s that important.


What are you longing to share? Send me message on instagram or through my contact page! I'd love to hear from you!

Hey! Before you go, I have some offerings you might be interested in:


→.Check out this FREE MASTERCLASS. 🧚🏻‍♂️

→ Ready to have more fun as a singer and finally dial down your inner critic? A Course in Joyful Singing has all the support you need with live calls and lifetime access. 🎉

→ Need one on one support with your voice? You got it. 💛

→ Has it been awhile and you don’t know how to reconnect to your voice? I can help. 🙌🏻

→ Having a supportive group to share your voice with might be helpful: Try a Monday Night Singing Group Class 👩‍❤️‍👩

→ Read more helpful tips on my BLOG page. 🤓