When you are unsure how singing fits into your life...

anxiety inspiration singer tips wellness Oct 15, 2024

A friend and client of mine recently shared that she wasn’t sure how singing fit into her life.


After taking a break from singing regularly as a professional singer/performer she was longing to be using her voice again.


She was wrestling with fears and unknowns:


→She was scared of the changes she was hearing. 


→She wasn’t sure what she wanted to be singing. 


→She wasn’t sure how it would fit into her life currently.


→And she didn’t know what it would all mean.


These are big questions.


The relationship you have to your voice is nuanced and changing.


It’s a journey.


Sometimes the road is one of twists and turns.


With roadblocks and detours.


It’s rarely linear.


Every day is a new day. The thing that was certain yesterday is rarely the case today.


We change and grow. We celebrate and grieve. We go through seasons.


The voice is always there. But sometimes it feels like a stranger.


Like someone we are meeting for the first time.


“I know you. But who are you?” we say.


It can be scary and overwhelming.


But also an opportunity.


An opportunity to meet this voice of yours, become reacquainted, and try something new.


This time, it can be different.


Perhaps it’s a new way of relating and creating.


This time it can be for you.



That’s why I do what I do.


It’s why I love working with the singers I work with.


This is why I created the Vocal Reconnect Mini Course.


And why I created A Course in Joyful Singing.


These are some of the questions we explore and get to the bottom of.


Since I launched A Course in Joyful Singing back in September, we have been exploring these thoughts as well as others, getting clear on the vision for moving forward, figuring out what the blocks are…


 and oh, having more fun. Bringing in more joy.


If you are currently struggling with these questions, and aren’t sure yet of your vision for moving forward, ask yourself: what would it be like to sing for only you?


What would it mean to have singing be time for yourself, an activity like walking or resting or watching a sunset? An activity that fills your cup, that brings you joy, that returns you to yourself. No purpose other than it’s for you.


What if you sang a song to yourself?


What would that song be?


And if you want to dig deeper, if you want to bring more joy into your singing and life and would like additional support, I am relaunching A Course in Joyful Singing in January after this beta period is over. 


It’s a go-at-your-own pace experience with lots of support and resources: live calls, private community, online course work.


What do I love the most about it so far? 


The community. 


The fact that you don’t go through this journey alone and that you are a part of a group of likeminded singers.  


This is a special group and I would love to have you a be a part of it. Join the waitlist to be the first to know about the relaunch. 


If you feel inspired send me a message here at my site or a DM on Instagram and let me know the answers to some of those questions! I’d really love to hear from you!