Your job as a singer.

inspiration Jun 19, 2024

What is your job as a singer? (As a singer who sings for others.)


I think for many it’s about pleasing “the other”.

Wanting to be liked. (Well, I mean who doesn’t?)

But the emphasis is placed on that external validation.

The pat on the head.


Here is another question to consider.


What is it about singing that your soul longs to experience?

I’m guessing it is a great many things. 

I wonder if it’s that you express a side of yourself that you don’t share anywhere else in your life?

There is a freedom there.

It’s a special side.

Your creative side.

One that perhaps stays hidden until the mood strikes.


Perhaps singing allows for a creativity, a connection to a feeling deep within that is particular and unique and flows freely when you express through a song.

You have moments of letting go… of freedom within yourself and permission to feel deeply and you reveal those big emotions.

That process is cathartic.

It’s deeply satisfying:

The letting go.

The going in.

The releasing.

The creative expression.

The making of something.

Something beautiful.


When you feel “in the flow” there is nothing better.

It is effortless.

It is easy.

It is without thinking.

It is intuitive.

You are connected to all.


You are connected to the one watching.

To the one listening.

You feel heard.

You feel seen.

A bond is made.

And you’ve given an offering.

The gift is received.

The other is moved.

The other is transported.

The other is changed in some way.

A beautiful dance takes place between the singer and the listener.


By going in and sharing the longing of your soul, you create this gift.

By tuning into your deep desires, your big feelings and transform them into art, you bless the other.


Your job then becomes clear.


Your job then is to clear the way for that process of deep connection, above all else.

Your job then is to reside inside your heart.

Your job then is to take your instructions from your higher self.

Your job is to become a good listener.