so that you can FREE your voice, feel CONFIDENT, and SHINE doing the thing that you love!
where you open your mouth, your voice feels strong, you take risks, and it's all easy and authentically YOU.
And you know that in order to become the confident singer you’re meant to be, you need to find a different approach.
But there’s a problem...
You're not the most sure of yourself to have it be an enjoyable experience.
If you're like most singers who hear negative voices, you're still struggling to figure out how to not feel so afraid and get out of your own head.
Let's face it...trying to push yourself, beating yourself up over this, isn’t doing you any favors.
And studying more and obsessing over your technique also isn’t helping.
At this point you may be thinking...
"There's got to be a better way."
> A way to feel more positive about your journey as a creative artist so that you actually *want* to keep going.
> A way to feel strong in your voice that combines strengthening & supportive practices for your voice, as well as mindset and body that fit into your current lifestyle.
> A way to grow and improve as a singer in a loving and inspiring state rather than beating yourself up when things don’t go according to plan.
> A way to feel confident, joyful, and free when you step out on stage.
> A way for you to feel safe in your body and mind so that you can perform without anxiety taking over.
Where you actually get excited to share your voice with others.
If you're nodding your head right now, you're not alone.
Many singers feel this way→ knowing you're meant to share your voice, but dealing with some big blocks which makes it difficult and frankly disheartening.
You want to hone your craft, keep improving and growing, but also want to enjoy the dang process and not make it so complicated.
You want to grow as an artist but are unwilling to sacrifice your happiness and are ready to release the "struggling artist" label.
The truth is if you don't find a way to bring more happiness into your life, your success is limited.
You'll stay stuck in a pattern of struggle, never being satisfied with the achievements you are making, comparing yourself to others and longing to sound like someone else.
Wait a sec! Let's NOT get stuck there in that self-defeating, 'it's NOT helping approach!
I've got good news...
There is a way to have fun, grow, improve your voice and achieve the success you are desiring.
Your dreams as a singer are waiting.
Imagine what it’ll feel like when:
You’re confident in your abilities.
You feel energized, inspired, and productive in your practice sessions.
You are steering your own artistic boat, creating from the inside out, discovering your real voice, and stepping into your full potential.
You use your setbacks as opportunities to learn and adapt, rather than taking them as a sign of failure.
You’ve shifted your mindset around practicing and performing so that you can look forward to it and celebrate your wins no matter how small, instead of shaming or self-sabotaging.
You realize you don’t have to spend hours working on your technique in order to make progress.
You have a supportive community of other singers who are working through the same issues, who are are rooting for you, there to cheer you on, celebrate your wins, and work through challenges.

Discover that freedom and love for singing again.

Heather Masse, The Wailin' Jennys
“Working with Erin has been a wonderful and transformative experience! She is a very intuitive coach and found creative ways to lead me towards uncovering wisdom through my own voice and insights. She is a warm and supportive listener and sparked deep curiosity in me to uncover where my actions and thoughts originate. She gave me tools to transform those thoughts and actions from a place of fear, to a place of power and authenticity. Thank you Erin!”

frustrated, uninspired, & not motivated
feeling strong in your voice, inspired, and confident .

feeling stuck and blocked
discovering freedom, joy and passion for singing.

feeling intimidated, insecure, and fearful of opportunities
manifesting the perfect creative projects for YOU and feeling creatively fulfilled.
Hey there, I'm Erin.
I help singers with a strong inner critic reclaim joy in order to sing confidently, freely and share their authentic selves.
As a Voice Teacher and Mindset Coach, I work with artists that are ready to be free from that inner judge so that they are able to take more risks, prioritize themselves, and experience creative freedom.
I love helping singers step into that fullest version of themselves.
As a former Broadway performer with performance anxiety I know how difficult it can be to bring your full self to the equation.
I struggled for years dreading performances, beating myself up for every little mistake and playing small.
Becoming a certified mindset coach was a turning point for my work as a teacher as well as a singer. Doing that deep dive within myself has allowed me to find that freedom I was longing for, that joy and that ease. My mission is to bring those discoveries to you for that deep transformation you are longing for.
It is my priority to create a safe, loving, professional space for you to connect to your voice.
→A safe space in which to explore.
→A safe space in which to grow.
→A safe space in which to step into the fullest version of yourself.

from Joyful Singing member, Summer Berry
Because of this program I have experienced deep transformation in the way I talk to myself, my mental health, my physical health, spirituality, my relationships, and productivity. Singing and painting are now done from a place of joy and curiosity, without stressing about the outcome! I am also confident that I will be able to apply what I have learned when I officially become a parent in January. The program works!

Introducing A Course in Joyful Singing

with LIVE support
so you can reach your FULL singing potential.
Here's a sneak peek!
Module #1
Incorporate practices that strengthen your voice, body and mind so that you can support your creative practice the best way possible.
Not sure how you’ll stay motivated throughout the process? I've got you!
The Tend Module is where you will revamp your whole approach to singing: your mindset, your habits so that you can go from feeling uninspired, ashamed, afraid, burned out to feeling empowered and proud to share it.
Meet your voice, let go of limiting beliefs and get clear on the big Why.
Work with the miracle of SOVT exercises to strengthen your voice and discover how life changing they are.
Integrate a new kind of mindfulness practice that focuses on short, more frequent check-ins so that we can bring that tool to real life situations- when things get stressful. (Not just when it’s peaceful and quiet.)
Examine which habits are currently serving you and which are holding you back. Include new wellness practices so that you will be at the top of your game as we head into Module 2.
Do your first singing challenges and share with the group or keep for yourself.

Module #2
Now that you’re clear on your WHY, your vision for yourself, your voice, health and wellness, we need to explore the negative voices holding you back from your full potential.
Work with your inner critic and uncover all the ways this voice infiltrates the lens through which you see the world. Spotlight this voice and learn to intercept it as it pops up in real time.
Identify your accomplice saboteurs- the very specific ways in which you are self sabotaging your success and most of all- happiness. Hone in on these voices and learn to intercept them as they pop up in real time.
Set up a safe space in your home and within yourself to explore in and become your own best teacher and guide to be able to tune into your good inner coach.
Access 2 incredible super powers already within you: explore and empathy which will lead you to your highest success.
Do weekly Singing Challenges.
Module #3
Now that you've got your voice, mindset, and body being looked after by that good inner coach you've anchored into, let’s bring that creativity inside us to life!
Bring more play into your practice and performance.
Discover 2 additional super powers that make Joy and Play POSSIBLE.
Develop strategies (that actually work!) for dealing with performance anxiety.
Find new material to shake things up and find your authentic interpretation. Tap into your REAL voice.
Do weekly Singing Challenges
Learn how to watch back your own performances constructively without your inner critic sabotaging your opportunity for growth.
Track your progress and assimilate everything you’ve learned.

MJ Waddell, Broadway Singer/Actress & Host of
‘The Youthful Older Yogi’ Podcast
Having this small community and the live sessions was extremely beneficial. Sharing our wins, struggles, frustrations and grief in a safe and supportive space was so healing.
This course helped with defining the saboteurs that have been my loud liars. Being vulnerable and exposing my emotions with my voice has changed over the decades. I felt as if it was time to stop singing because of insecurities and holding onto the past. Joyful Singing and it's thoughtful process of self-study is slowly changing that feeling.
Thank you Erin for creating this "whole-person" course. It's sure to help others re-kindle their joy in singing and expression.

Check out what's inside:
When you join JOYFUL SINGING you get immediate and LIFETIME access to:
→ The Joyful Singing Framework: which includes 3 Main Modules with 39 submodules (+ bonus vault) guiding you through the program where you feel safe, supported and inspired to take artistic risks and grow as a creative being. $1000 Value
→20+ go-at-your-own-pace video lessons guiding you through the 3 pillars of Joyful Singing so that you connect to your true, authentic voice and feel excited to share it . $800 Value
→ Joyful Singing Mindset System so that you have tangible tools for dialing down your inner critic and accompanying negative voices so that you can steer your own artistic boat from a joyful, empowered place. $1100 Value
→ A WHOLE Library of “how to” guides including A Vocal Problem Solving Guides, A How to Watch Your Own Performances Guide, A How to Find Songs Guide, Dealing with Performance Anxiety Guide, Finding your Own Interpretation of a Song Guide, A complete Saboteur (the personalities of your negative voices!) Description Guide, A Guide for Incorporating New Habits, and How to be Your Own Teacher Guide. ($175 Value)
→ Worksheets to help support, guide, & reinforce through every lesson. $150 Value
→11 Singing Challenges that you can share with the group or keep for yourself so that you can integrate what you are learning and make it your reality. $385 Value
→A private online community hub full of like-minded singers to get feedback, accountability, inspiration, answers, guidance, and friendship so you never feel alone during your joyful singing journey and beyond. PRICELESS
→ 2x Month LIVE group coaching calls for Q&A, coaching, and support as we implement new practices, work through the program and bring the Joy back into singing. PRICELESS
→ LIFETIME ACCESS to all program materials, private community, future additions, updates, and bonus offerings so that you can move at the pace that feels best for you. PRICELESS
total $3610 value

✓ 3 Rotating *GO AT YOUR OWN PACE* 20-25 minute Video Warmups where I share my favorite warmups, the ones that have brought me the most success with my students and with my own voice. These warmups will guide you gently though the process of connecting to your voice and getting you back on track.
✓ 4 Rotating Meditations designed to anchor you into the present moment, connect you to your body and align you with your true voice so that the inner critic takes a back seat.
✓ 7 sets of daily journal prompts geared towards exploring and getting to the bottom of what your voice means to you, that help you set down any baggage you might be carrying and get to the bottom of your big why.
PLUS a Bonus Vocal Warmup on Breathing AND a Vocal Problem Solving Guide
I’m granting you exclusive, lifetime access to this go at your own pace mini course designed to jumpstart your singing practice and get you feeling free in your voice.

And because I want you fully armed with all the info you need to make this transformation, which means opportunities to work on vocal technique, I am including as another special bonus:
1 Year access to my Monday Night Singing group: a Monthly Voice Masterclass.
You’ll have access to 12 monthly masterclass sessions (with replay recordings available) focused on vocal technique, we learn new warmups, opportunities to perform songs, you’ll get coaching support, a supportive community, and more!

Eileen Ward
Film, TV, Theatre, Musical Theatre Singer/ Actress
"Erin is the real deal friends. I stopped singing after my mom and brother passed, and through Covid. Erin is helping me get it back in shape. ‘Your body is your instrument’. Oh ….And I’ve been called back!!"
→ (She booked it!) ←
Cash In On Your 50% OFF Discount Now & Get $2000 In Courses, Bonuses & Coaching Free! !
The “Joyful Singing" Guarantee
I know that investing in yourself is a big decision. I’m also fully confident that the value this program will bring to your singing far outweighs the investment you will make today. Because I want to make sure you feel as confident with your decision as I do, I’m offering you a no-risk guarantee. If you go through a Course in Joyful Singing in its entirety in its 12 week period, apply and take action on all of the teachings, and you're still not satisfied at the end of the 12 weeks, I will give you a full refund. That’s right, I’ll give you your money back if this program doesn’t work for you. All you have to do is show me that you completed all of the course material and I’ll immediately refund you, no questions asked.
You're ready to find your voice inside Joyful Singing if you can say "Yes!" to any of these:
→ You're a singer who wants to sing in front of others preferably without feeling dread.
→ You've been trying to loosen up, trying to find the right song, find your own unique creative voice but you're still feeling frustrated, stuck and uninspired.
→ You're motivated to bring the fun back into the equation because you know it will mean singing confidently by the end of the year.
→ You're willing to spend a little time throughout your week to play, explore and discover what your soul is longing to do.
Results like these ARE expected:

The strength and beauty of my voice is near unrecognizable. The relationship I have built with my body and voice as supported by Erin is something I hope everyone can experience!
-Joann Kim
Singer, Fashion Developer & Project Manager

Working with Erin has truly saved my mental health in the past two years. Beyond stress relief, this work has brought me joy throughout some of the most difficult times in my life, as well as a profound sense of accomplishment not to mention significantly improved vocal technique and performance confidence! Whether you want to train seriously, or somewhere in between, I cannot recommend Erin’s coaching enough.
-Rachel Crittenden
singer, photographer, writer

Erin understands how vulnerable it is to be an artist and that to sing well involves being comfortable in our own bodies. I have learned so much and I highly recommend her whether you are a beginner or advanced. You will not be disappointed!"
-Maria Peterson, pianist, singer & owner, director, instructor of The Peterson Studio
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm not a professional singer. Am I in the right place?
What kind of support is involved?
I won't have the time to do this course in 12 weeks. Can I still do it?
I love to sing but I don't have any plans to share my voice with anyone. Can I still benefit from doing this work?
Can you tell me a little more about how the program works?
Do you offer a money-back guarantee?
By now, you already know the biggest difference between feeling awesome in your voice and feeling blocked all comes down to….
If you're a singer who's struggling to feel free in your voice, Joyful Singing is for you.
If you're no longer willing to struggle on your own, Joyful Singing is for you.
If you're confused by all the conflicting information in the voice industry and it's keeping you from taking real action, Joyful Singing is for you.
If you want to sing and connect to your voice and discover new ways to bring JOY into the equation in a safe space and in a way that feels inspiring and supportive, Joyful Singing is for you.
If you value your time, mental wellness and creative energy and refuse to put yourself last anymore, this program is for you.
→ If you want to read more about the importance of mindset as a singer, read this BLOG post.
Cash In On Your 50% OFF Discount Now & Get $2000 In Courses, Bonuses & Coaching Free! !